Get informed, take action, and watch healthy culture flourish.
The purpose of a Culture Assessment & Report is to give leadership a better understanding of the organizational culture as well as an action plan to address current conflicts and build a sustainable and healthy conflict culture going forward.
Pax Napier conducts confidential interviews (45 minutes each) with up to 10 core employees/stakeholders selected by the leadership.
After assessment, we present a detailed report analyzing the themes and trends of both interpersonal and organizational issues uncovered during the interviews as well as any perceived root causes.
Interpersonal issues include things like personal value differences, poor communication skills, and personality clashes.
Organizational issues include things like unclear chain of command, lack of accountability, or unclear expectations.
The report includes a customized list of actions for the employer to consider taking in order to address current sources of conflict as well as to shift the organizational culture to become more "conflict competent" moving forward. Possible actions could include, but are not limited to:
• Conflict resolution training
• Leadership development
• Restructuring/defining chain of command
• Group development of guidelines for dealing with conflict
• Mediation sessions with subgroups or entire group
• New employment policies to address specific sources of conflict